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Ep 20 | ElectriKcity Through Dance

Ep 20 | Electrikcity Through Dance

By: Karla Rodriguez | Feb 29, 2020

In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Crystal, who at a young age had to figure out how to express her emotions. She shares her life with how it was growing up with her dad and creating that connection, but there was one other constant in her life. Her love and passion of dance. Before her mom passed, she would push her to take lessons, and eventually Crystal did. Crystal is a dancer, a hip hop teacher, a STORY TELLER THROUGH DANCE. She recently opened up the first hip hop dance studio in Austin, Texas and she is pushing past her limits, to show others that you can always keep moving forward, and if spoken word is not your way of sharing, she can teach anyone to express themselves through the movement of dance, to where you feel the electricity moving and flowing through your body.

Crystal’s Instagram: chica_delarosa
ElectrikCITY Dance: electrikcity.dance

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Mentions in the Episode:

Yager Training
Dr. Denise Simpson
Beauty by Lisaura