
Personal Evolution Coaching™


Hola Mujer… You are most likely here because you have been voiceless, powerless, and in a place of feeling lost.

You have been in a search for something greater, better, and are ready to release all that no longer serves you. 

Well, you made it! I am here to be your guide to find your own path to that next level of your own game of life. 


You may ask yourself

“Why do I keep attracting the same kind of issues in my life?”

“Why am I trying so hard, and no progress in getting closer to achieving my goals?”

“I know I can do this, but then again I don’t think I am fully capable” 

“I am not worth more or anyone that is great for me”

“I come from a different culture, so I don’t deserve more and I am not smart enough to succeed”

These kind of questions contain all those thoughts, emotions, and choices that continue to limit you… So what ends up happening? 

A cycle…

of being stuck

improving a little

then taking a dip on that progress

and back at starting at that stage of being stuck


I am here to guide you and assure you that you can break this cycle. You know you can and will don't you?

You are ready to let go of...

Limiting Beliefs

Do you have beliefs of not being able to do something, or growing up someone else’s beliefs were instilled in you? There is also a belief that you do not think you can ask for help because you are in a leadership position and are TOO busy taking care of everyone else. 

Limiting Decisions

Was there a decision you made once in your life and now you still think about it? You also decided that there is no need for you to think about having wealth, health, and prosperity.  

Limiting Emotions

Have you had a hard time controlling your emotions? Do you have trouble with any of these: anger, sadness, fear, hurt, or guilt? Are you ready to learn to have full control over any of those? 

It is time to Transform Your Life!

You have now gotten to a point in your life where change within has started, but need a boost.

In this process you will be guided through your own Personal Evolution Cycle®, in which you will stop the old cycle of stuckness, scarcity mindset, and other BS situations and you will create a new cycle of GROWTH.  

Implement POWERFUL techniques to have these transformations of behavior, experiences, and emotions all starting at the subconscious level. 

Amie Arizmendi
NLP Wellness Coach

Do you want to break the chains in your life, and help others in creating the cycle of growth?

If you are wanting to break free from the chains in your life, but also are called to help others in any area of life. Be it personal, relationships, business, finance, and more! Find out about the Metafit Metamind Method to get certified as an NLP Coach, Practitioner, and as a Personal Evolution Coach! 

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible
– Tony Robbins